No. 464 F.&A.M.
Lessing Lodge No. 464, F. & A. M. was founded on the 7th day of December, 1872. On the 27th of May, 1873, these founders received their charter from the Grand Lodge, the Rev. C.L. Chr. Runck being named as Worshipful Master in the charter and S. J. Loewenstein as Senior Warden and G. L Altvater as Junior Warden. The founders consisted of these three gentlemen, together with Fred Hofmann, C. Kratz, Philip Nonweiler, Wm. Pretorius, Daniel Heilman, J. Bopp, Julius Kahn, Harry Joseph, H. W. Elmendorf, Samuel Meyer, Philip Klein, F. S. Zumstein and Wm. Koch.
From the date of its foundation until the present day, Lessing Lodge has been the focal point for the activities of the leading Germans and German-Americans of this city. During it’s first few decades the lodge was bilingual and presented degree work in both the English and German languages. However, as time has gone on Lessing Lodge has grown to include many amongst its membership who have no German background or heritage. In fact, Lessing Lodge has grown over the years to become one of the largest and most active Masonic lodges in Indiana.
Over the years Lessing Lodge has produced two Grand Masters of the State of Indiana, as well as other Grand Lodge officers, many 33rd Degree Masons, Knight York Cross of Honor Masons, and Grand York Rite officers. Many of Evansville’s most important civic leaders have also held membership in our lodge.
Lessing Lodge #464 remains a strong lodge with a bright future.
Thank you for visiting the Lessing Lodge #464 website. I am extremely honored to be serving as your Master for 2025, and look forward to all that we can accomplish as a brotherhood this year.
If you are not currently a Mason and are interested in becoming one, I cordially invite you to petition our lodge to learn how to be the best man that you can be. All brothers are here to better themselves as well as better the world around them and we would love to better others that are willing! Ask one to be one.
If you are currently a brother Mason but not a member of our lodge, please join us for one of our meetings or degrees! We greatly enjoy having guests visit from other lodges and welcome you with open arms to experience the beautiful ceremonies of Masonry together.​​
If you are currently a member of our lodge, I encourage you to be active with us. We greatly need member participation to ensure that any new brother receives light in Masonry in its best form. There are many things to do around the temple where you can showcase your natural talents as well.
Introducing, the 2025 Officers of Lessing Lodge #464.